Lúcio Flávio Pinto

Lúcio Flávio de Faria Pinto is an independent journalist who lives in Belém, Brazil. He is the publisher and editor of Jornal Pessoal, which is published bi-weekly.

For the past 43 years, he has been reporting on drug trafficking, environmental devastation, and political and corporate corruption. Because of this he is constantly being threatened and subjected to a wave of spurious lawsuits that attempt to prevent him from continuing his important work. He is considered by some intellectuals, scholars and environmental activists to be an important voice speaking truth to power in the Amazon region.

In 2005, Lucio won an International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York City.


Books by Lucio Flavio Pinto available in Brazil. All books are in Portuguese:

Amazônia, o anteato da destruição (Amazonia: Before the Act of Destruction)

Amazônia: no rastro do saque (Amazonia: The Tracks of Looting)

Carajás, o ataque ao coração da Amazônia (Carajas: Attack at the Heart of the Amazon)

Jari: toda a verdade sobre o projeto de Ludwig (Jari: The Whole Truth About the Ludwig Project)

Amazônia, a fronteira do caos (Amazonia: The Frontier of Chaos)

Amazônia, o século perdido (Amazonia: The Forgotten Century)

Internacionalização da Amazônia (The Internationalization of the Amazon)

Hidrelétricas na Amazônia (Hydroelectric Dams in the Amazon)

CVRD: a sigla do enclave na Amazônia

Guerra amazônica (Amazonian War)

O jornalismo na linha de tiro (Journalism on the Frontline)

Contra o poder (Against Power)

External links